“OYO” is actually an acronym for “On Your Own”. It’s the name of an Indian multinational hospitality service and budget hotel network. It does not have a specific translation in Hindi because it is a company name. However, if we were to literally translate “On Your Own” into Hindi, it can be translated as “अपने आप पर” or “स्वयं”.
Pronunciation: Apane aap par or Svayam
Here are some example sentences:
- “OYO नामक कंपनी भारतीय बाजार में अच्छी सेवा प्रदान करती है।” – The company named OYO provides good service in the Indian market.
- “अपने आप पर काम करना स्वतंत्रता और जिम्मेदारी लेता है।” – Working on your own takes independence and responsibility.
- “स्वयं के लिए कुछ करने में अद्वितीय संतुष्टि होती है।” – There is unique satisfaction in doing something for oneself.
- “अपने आप पर काम करने के लिए उसे खुद को संगठित करने की आवश्यकता थी।” – She needed to organize herself to work on her own.
- “उसे स्वयं को संभालने की सिखाई गई।” – He was taught to take care of himself.
- “OYO एक बड़ा नेटवर्क है जो विभिन्न देशों में होटल प्रदान करता है।” – OYO is a large network that provides hotels in various countries.
- “स्वयं के साथ समय बिताना महत्वपूर्ण है।” – It is important to spend time with oneself.
Because “OYO” is a company name and not a common Hindi word, it does not have synonyms or antonyms.